Verisign are increasing the .net wholesale pricing as of Feb 1st 2016.
To facilitate the increase, when these increases take effect we will be raising the pricing of registration, renewal, transfer and restoration by $1.00 as of January 31st 2016.
Verisign is increasing the price by $0.67. Our domain provider is increasing it by $1. We want to minimize the impact to our highly valued customers to ensure customer satisfaction. We are making no additional profit from these price increases.
Q: What do I as a customer need to do to implement these changes?
A: Nothing at all. These new fees will be automatically reflected in your account beginning on the dates indicated above.
Q: Are you making profit from these changes?
A: No. Unfortunatly, our domain provider is increasing it by an entire $1 instead of the $0.67 that verisign as increased it by. However, it is important to note that in previous years our domain provider has not increased the price when verisign has! So this is to make up for it. In the end, Swefty is not generating any extra revenue.
Q: Why are the registries imposing these increases?
A: The registries are in the process of making improvements to their security and support infrastructures. The price increase will help fund those improvements which will, ultimately, benefit .NET and .INFO domain owners.